Our Story
We welcome you to our Backyard!
We have deep roots in Hamilton. Two of us are Ohio natives and two of us grew up in Hamilton. We raised our kids around here, sent them to school here, and have loved being a part of this community. And with the city’s rebirth, we thought it was only fitting to give back to the place that shaped so much of our lives.
The beginning of Hamilton's Urban Backyard was seeded in the summer of 2019 when Jeff and Gina visited a food truck park/bar on a family vacation. They thought such a place would be a great asset for Hamilton, and for both of them, the idea of owning and running their own establishment had been a lifelong dream. Longtime friends Dave and Emily, always looking to tackle another project, came on board in the fall of 2019.
Things started getting serious very quickly after the State of the City address in October 2019. A whirlwind of meetings with city officials soon fixed our gaze on the 501 Main St. building. Plans were drawn up and set in motion, incorporating the help of local businesses and our other friends along the way. We persevered through a pandemic, changing plans and overcame other hurdles.
What makes four friends take on such a mammoth project? For us, good food, good drinks, good music, and good company define some of life’s best moments. Family cookouts, after-game meals with the kids’ teams, some beers with your friends around the fire… These moments inspired us to bring that same sense of backyard camaraderie to the people of Hamilton and everyone who visits.
No matter where you’re from, you’re always welcome in our Backyard. Welcome to Hamilton's Urban Backyard.
We look forward to hanging out with you!